Mission Statement(s)

Property of the talented cartoonist Randy Glasbergen
Property of the talented cartoonist Randy Glasbergen

Mission statements are powerful things. If you’re building something – whether it be a building, a family, or a life dedicated to storytelling, it’s good to know where you’re going. And as as novelist Marisa Meyer recently observed, if you’re running short on inspiration it’s a good reminder of  why you’re doing this to yourself at 3am in the morning.

So. This page is to remind me why I’m putting myself through my journey of pain, and also to keep me inspired. Here’s my mission statement below, as well as those of some choice subjects willing volunteers. Feel free to share yours in the comments below, or contact me to have them featured here:

Hi. My name is Lee S. Hawke. I write science-fiction and fantasy storytales.

Why? Because ever since I picked up my first book, I’ve known that stories have power. Power to make people laugh, make people cry, or even just leave them shivering in awe of the world. So that’s why I write, to give back a little magic.

And why sci-fi and fantasy? Well. You can find that out here.

What are your thoughts?