Why the FB NaNoWriMo group is awesome

There are many, many reasons why the FB NaNoWriMo group is awesome, not just as a writing community, but also as a great bunch of people. I’ve written about some of them before here.

So just in case you need more evidence, I put out a call on New Year’s Day in Australia for beta readers for my first book DIVISION: A COLLECTION OF SCIENCE FICTION FAIRYTALES.

Isn't it beautiful? Draft stage only, will be purchasing image.
Isn’t it beautiful? (Draft stage only, will be purchasing image.)


24 hours later I had over 40 responses. And I decided, screw it with my arbitrary limits! I’m going to open myself to as much feedback as I can get from this amazing group so that I can learn as a writer. How?

Well, I made all formats available for download for around 60 or so hours, ending 5 Jan 2015. During that time, DIVISION was downloaded 90 times!

Stats, for those who are interested
Stats, for those who are interested


Now, based on a lot of great articles on how to make things easier for beta readers, this is what I asked them for:

  1. Any points where your interest dragged, and why;
  2. Any weaknesses that jump out at you;
  3. Any strengths that jump out at you;
  4. Whether the endings are satisfying or not, and why
  5. Character impressions, eg. if there were ones you particularly liked or hated, and why;
  6. Your thoughts on the cover (it’s currently just a draft until my cover artist purchases the image and makes a few modifications, but it’s pretty close!)
  7. Any other improvements/thoughts/comments.

Thanks again, amazing people! I look forward to everyone’s responses. In the meantime, my eye’s on the countdown! I’m planning to release DIVISION on January 17, so if you email or PM me on or before January 14, I’ll include your feedback into the final version.



What are your thoughts?